Seattle Public Schools


Board Guiding Principles

School Board Priorities and Guidance for BTA IV


  • Use the Meng analysis as a guide for prioritizing projects, with an emphasis on those projects replacing items with a remaining useful life of fewer than four years and with a priority placed on student and staff safety and on protection of building envelopes.
  • Include possible projects that position District to meet capacity management needs, especially increased enrollment in specific areas of the District.
  • Align with long-term building maintenance plans to address and reduce the building maintenance backlog. Include an analysis of possible projects focusing on preventative maintenance.
  • Include project(s) that reduce energy usage and enhance environmental stewardship, especially projects using new “green” technologies.
  • Ensure the preservation of the value of our properties by addressing items that threaten damage (e.g. exterior envelope, roof replacements, window repair, flooding issues, etc.)
  • Use project suggestion input from school sites as an additional means of identifying projects that meet these priorities
  • Align and select projects that can be efficiently and effectively carried out with an appropriate schedule, recognizing that levy monies are collected over six years and that projects within a given school must be coordinated.


  • Modernize core technology infrastructure that has reached or exceeded “end-of-support” by manufacturer, including servers, network electronics, storage arrays and ancillary systems.
  • Modernize or replace outdated classroom and learning technologies including projectors, document cameras, A/V equipment, collaborative learning systems and more.
  • Implement and support a modern Learning Management System (LMS) to support both blended and distance education, parent/guardian access to curriculum information, and more.
  • Modernize student devices and reduce the Student to Computer ratio to align with current educational trends and improve equitable access to technology for all students.
  • Modernize and expand the District’s primary communication systems including voice communications, web services, video/web conferencing, mobile access, etc.
  • Integrate and expand key enterprise applications to eliminate manual processes and provide efficient “user experiences” for schools, teachers, students, parents and others.
  • Modernize systems to address regulatory compliance concerns and audit requirements (i.e. Accessibility compliance for all systems/software, cash management systems, etc.)
  • Implement modern and effective Business Intelligence capabilities to provide District and School leaders seamless access to timely administrative and academic/instructional information.
  • Mitigate operational risk resulting from outdated or single-point-of-failure technology that is critical to efficient and effective District operations.
  • Deliver performance based, secure and reliable technology hardware, software, access and support services necessary to achieve the District’s Technology Vision for Teaching & Learning.


  • Invest in capital expenditures that enhance student learning
  • Invest in projects that improve the learning environment
  • Replace turf sports fields where needed. Improve field lighting as needed and to improve energy cost efficiencies.


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